Training Day for Sugar at Rappahonock River Retriever Club. Gorgeous day to field train.

A stunningly gorgeous field training has been months since Sugar and I could go do a field training day.

A single water mark is no issue for Sugar

HOWEVER, a double water mark is an issue as he isn't marking and then following my line to retrieve. I had to help him as he wanted to retrieve the Memory Bird (last bird down) instead of the Go-To bird (first bird down). You aren't supposed to handle (whistle's, hand signals, etc) on a marked retrieve, but I absolutely DID NOT want Sugar to retrieve what he wanted (Go-To bird), but rather to retrieve what I send him to (Memory Bird). So, I opted to handle Sugar during this marked retrieve.

Here is Sugar and I in s...l...o....w motion doing a single marked retrieve -
Sugar's first ever live flyer on the water


Pictures tell the story....

Sit/Stay so I can tie my shoe laces.

Heeling out to our line

Gotta take time to chat....

Way, way off in the water you can see Sugar returning.

Sugar says, " I got this."

Sugar hears another duck call and gunshot "You want me to go get another duck?"

 The end of a splendid field training day.

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